Herpes and Happiness: Top Five Tips for HSV Singles

Living with Herpes as an HSV single can present unique challenges, but it doesn’t have to hinder your happiness or prevent you from leading a fulfilling life. This comprehensive guide will explore the top five tips to help HSV singles navigate their journey with Herpes and find true happiness. From self-care practices to building meaningful […]

7 mins read

Herpes Doesn’t Define Me: A Guide to Positive Dating

“Positive dating” isn’t just about having a positive outlook. It encompasses a mindset of honesty, empathy, and responsible behaviour in dating, particularly when one or both partners have herpes. Through this article, we will delve into crucial aspects of dating with herpes, such as effective communication, risk reduction, and building a support system for both […]

7 mins read

Herpes dating sites how it useful for people with herpes

It is not uncommon for patients with Herpes Simplex Virus 1/2 infection to retreat from their love lives and live in a shell. Oral or genital herpes doesn’t affect as much physically as it affects psychologically and emotionally when the affected person is ignored by the possible love interests. It can be damaging in the […]

2 mins read